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Waterjet Corporation's Gourmet Line

The Waterjet Corporation’s Gourmet Line, equipped with all the technological expertise of Waterjet Corporation, is available in three models, to fulfill the specific production needs of the market: Delicia, Magnifica and Optima are all integrated with ServoTM, the innovative, energy-saving hybrid servo intensifier pump, built with the compact flying bridge system and work area measuring 600 x 400 mm (750 x 450 mm Optional).


Pastry, Chocolate, Vegetables, Fish, Meat.

The Waterjet Corporation's Gourmet Line

Delicia Waterjet Gourmet
delicia logo

Replaceable single tray system. Compact, easy to program, ideal for pastry.

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Magnifica Waterjet Gourmet
magnifica logo

Multi tray automatic movable system. Fast and simple loading/unloading processes.

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Optima Waterjet Gourmet
optima logo

Automatic rotating stainless steel net support system. For a smooth, high-performance production.

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