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Accessories and Optional

Availability of a wide range of accessories that can be integrated and customized to your system to ensure higher productivity and expand application areas. (multiple cutting heads, tubular application, tubes and surfaces treatment,…).

Tastatore con Anticollisione  Puntatore Laser e Vacuostato

Touch probe Sensor with Anticollision, Laser Pointer, and Vacuum Assist.

Sistema a teste multiple

Multiple heads system

Sistema Edge a 5 assi interpolanti

Edge 5 axis ±55° interpolating system up to 4.150 Bar with I.T.C.TM (Intelligent Tapering Control)

Sistema a 4 assi per la compensazione

I.T.C.TM – Intelligent Tapering Control system with self positioning touch probe and anticollision device.

Sistema Evolution 3D a 5 assi interpolanti

5 axis 3D Evolution ±69° interpolating system up to 6.200 Bar with ±300° or infinite (optional) rotation

Sistema di taglio tubi

Tube cutting lathe system

Sistema per il trattamento superficiale con tecnologia hydrofinish

Hydrofinish texturing system

Sistema di preforo meccanico e bisellatura fori

Pre-drilling and Counter Sink CNC mechanical system

Sistema di evacuazione fanghi con pompe a membrana

Sludge removal system with membrane pump